
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

yo yo...this happend tonite

Teacher: has anyone here ever siphoned gas?
Guy: yea
Teacher: Did you get a mouth full of gas?
Guy: nah, you gotta pull out

Monday, September 26, 2005

yo yo....i want someone to listen to "wrapped around your finger" by the police, and let me know so we can discuss it....i really like the way sting writes his lyrics...they are veyr thought provokign as he uses many hisotrical and mythological references, and references to literature

Sunday, September 25, 2005

yo yo

Thursday October 6th: me and steve drive up to albany and hang out for the nite
Friday October 7: we all go to cape cod and stay in marks house there for the nite
Saturday October 8: hang out in boston for the day/nite
Sunday October 9th: Jasons concert!

cant wait

Saturday, September 24, 2005

yo yo...idk if everyone has ever seen that show on VH-1 where they try to get old bands to reunite and get back together for a show...well all those bands they have on the show are gei....if they got the police together i would eat feces if my doing so would power the show

Friday, September 23, 2005

yo yo....so tonite i spent my friday nite at barnes and noble which is almost becoming a regular habit...tonite i read various dog books and it made me think of an interesting story i would like to share.....i have a drawer in ym kitchen where we keep bones for my dog and when she wants one she goes over to the drawer and motions that she wants one , i hand her one, she sniffs it, licks it, then takes it in her mouth and goes to her room with it....now there are bones all over the house, for some reason she doesn't finish some of them...so we tried to trick her by putting ones she barely touched back in the drawer, when she asked for one i gave her oen taht looked brand new but wasnt....she sniffed it and licked it and then turned her head....

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

yo yo.... quote from House

doctor Chase: its a safe bet that if she has never kissed a boy that she has never had sex
doctor House: tell that to all the hookers who won't kiss me on the mouth

i love House. i still maintain that he is my 2nd favorite ficitonal character behind george Costanza

ok edit cuz this show is too great

House: is it still illegal to do an autopsy on a living person?
lady: are you high?
House: it's tuesday...i'm wasted

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I think that Vincent should legally change his name to Bincent. Man i need to go to bed.

Friday, September 16, 2005

yo yo....well today i realized why people who kill themselves do it....because of dropping things...let me explain....there is nothing more frustrating, at least to me, than dropping stuff, tripping on things, bumping into things, having wires on my ipod get tangled with stuff in the gym, its ridiculous. EVERY time i get out of my car my foot gets caught on my ipod wire. EVERY TIME! even when my ipod isnt even in my car (dont ask). It gets me angrier than anything...it makes me want to commit crimes, i once was lying on the floor and reached up to the table to grab the remote and it fell directly into a glass of soda....its stuff like this that makes me want to go out onto the street with a baseball bat and kill a random little girl jsut go get back at god

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

yo yo...presents can get sent to....

c/o Adam Yudman
7 martino way
pomona, ny 10970

yo yo...now before i go to bed i must complain about something that's been bothering me. i was watching spiderman 2 today, and dont get me wrong ive always been a huge spiderman fan, but mary jane watson reallly pisses me off. she 's always trying to get peter to tell her he likes her, when she obviously likes him too, why cant she say shit? yet she goes about alwasy finding another guy to date even tho she clearly likes peter. but noooo, unless he says somethign she'll gallavant around town rubbing it in his face that he doesnt have the balls to say soemthing. i think she should understand his fear and start him off by telling HIM how SHE feels!
fuck you mary jane watson! ive always been an alicia hardy fan anyways!

Friday, September 02, 2005

yo yo...i just got digital cable and i love "on demand." finally lets me catch up on tv shows that i love but always miss. i think i watched 10 straight episodes of entourage tonight. idk, i lost count.

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